Freelance Job: I need am independent examiner to sign our accounts
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full time
Veröffentlicht am 28 Feb 2025
We seek an independent account examiner to review and sign off on the financial statements for our small organization. The accounts for the past fiscal year have already been prepared internally in accordance with appropriate accounting standards. Your examination would involve reviewing the accounting records, bank statements, invoices and other supporting documentation to establish that the financial statements provide a true and fair view.
Your responsibilities would be to plan and perform the independent examination with due care and diligence. This includes evaluating the accounting principles used, obtaining an understanding of internal controls, assessing significant estimates made by management, and determining whether the financial statements have been prepared and presented in accordance with the financial reporting framework. Upon satisfactory completion of your examination, you would issue an independent accountant's report expressing an opinion on whether the financial statements present fairly the financial position and results.
The examination should be conducted remotely as we will provide all necessary documentation via electronic means. Your task is to independently validate the accuracy of the financial statements and ensure compliance rather than to prepare the accounts from scratch. We ask that you have at least three years experience conducting independent examinations of financial statements for small organizations. Please submit your detailed proposal, expected timeline and fee structure for consideration.
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